Sunday, June 11, 2006

How long does it take....

To get hair like this (50+ teeny, tiny braids).....

To look like this....

2 and a half hours... yep. Almost 3 hours watching Scooby Doo and Princess Barbie...

Kaela is SO MUCH BETTER at having her hair done than she once was. When she was smaller I hated doing her hair. TEARS. Mama.... sob sob...Maaaammmaaaa. It was awful.

NOW... she is great, still needs a reassuring cuddle every now again... it will be finished sooooon. But 2.5 hours is a LLLLLooooonnnnGGG time for a five year old... and frustrating for me too.

She is such a cutie and she loves to have her long straight hair, even if it only lasts until she sleeps on it. Sweet.


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