Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I love illy ....

My favourite.
Right here...
I have a bit of an obessession with illy coffee. Okay a LOT.
Nath doesnt even drink the stuff... but he goes on the net to check out where the illy cafe places are in any given town we are visiting ... I so adore him.

My obsession with illy began about 12 years ago... my sister Megan lived in Melbourne. ANd her love at the time was a distributor. A few years later I went to live and work in Italy... and the family I lived with ~they had illy by the box full~

I was in heaven!!

And I still am... on days like this... when I take the extra 10mins to get to work - I drive past the cafe...and get myself a takeaway.

The return to my desk... well it doesnt feel near as bad. *grin* Oh and the (only) choccie... well I have a few of them a week. Tis a bit naughty... but oh so very nice!

What is a little indulgence of yours?


Darlene said...

Starbucks...exactly?...Blackberry Green Tea Frappachino's with light whip cream...Mmmmmm

And if I'm feeling really naughty?...I'll order a Maple Nut Scone too :)

Great...now I'm having a crave ;)

love ya toots
xxx d

Anonymous said...

illy coffee is so yummy, I actually served this at times when I had an espresso shop.

My indulgence now-a-days {Caramel Macchiato with extra caramel}from Starbucks...ohh so good!

Nice visiting your site.:)


::Bek Geach:: said...

Yeah ladies... I dont really get the whole StarBucks obsession...tho I know you guys and gals over in the US of A *LOVE* it.
I think we get a different version of the cafe... ie. half the things you have... we dont.
I saw one (and took a photo) in Thailand... I found that odd.
But I saw lots of peeps with their takeways *grin*

Dar... I love you too - *toots* - I like that, you cutie.
Theresa... nice to have you visit. Welcome. Now I need to snoop at yours *grin*