Monday, May 01, 2006

Women in the DRC...

Again another of life's coincidences’.
Not sure how many of you know that Mikaela's father Papy is from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Things are pretty awful there, and have been for some time.

Thankfully Papy is now an Australian citizen. But his parents are still there, and his sister and some other family. Their situation is quite good in comparison to many others... but still! I hope one day to travel there with Mikaela... so she can meet her GrandParents... see where her father is from, part of Her Heritage. Broaden her knowledge. Realise the damage created in this world. It is very important to me. And I have a dream that perhaps I could even live there a while and help?

Then I found this Women for Women Fundraiser on Karen's blog to raise money for an organisation called Women for Women International. And guess where one of their main concerns and focus is at the moment?? .... yep, the DR of Congo! Check this out.

If you are so inclined... please donate a little money to help these women. The women of our world: sisters, mothers, daughters, wifes... they need our help. ANd you may even get a page scrapped by one of your heros in the process, nice huh :-)

Where would we be without our sisterhood?
The photo above is of Conglese Refugees and you can read about their story here.

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