Finally I can share....
The most fabulous news.
The uber talented, the wonderful, my friend "Ms Celine Navarro" is coming to Australia to teach classes at PaperCrafts 2-4 November....
Whooooooo - Hoooooooo! She is a little excited about it too!!! Just slightly :-) So whats gonna happen is this.... Me and my clan are all going...Nath and Mikaela and our newborn bubba are going to stay at the hotel at the Penrith Club... were its being held.
I will either take babe with me to Celine's classes, or Nath will look after him/her with Mikaela. Depends on the booby sitch etc. I couldnt express with Mikaela, such a numpty :-) Its just weird to me... like what the???
Soooooo... a couple of other friends and their hubs and kidlets are coming tooo..... so this is sure to be an AMAZING weekend and adventure...
Celine is coming to Oz... Whoo hoooo!
STOKED peoples, totally stoked.
Even more so, that my guy agreed to this adventure... but of course, he is such a darling!
Anyways loves...
hop to it,
get registered,
get organised...
I can NOT wait to see you all there!
OMG Rebecca!! Thanks for telling me!! I am so coming!!
WOW...yippee for you! this might be just what I need to get the cogs rolling again! She has such a great style.
Oh my goodness honey, I can feel your excitement all the way over here! Hurrah! It sounds like it will be wonderful.
°°°still doing the happy happy dance over here°°° :D
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