Stormy Canberra...
There was a massive storm here last night... thunder, lightening and hail... it was HUGE! Here a couple of snaps that have been forwarded to me... I am not sure who took them so I cant give credit (sorry)We have REALLY needed the rain due to the drought we have been in for years... but this is really freaky weather for our little city. I wish for more rain, not so much storms!
I have SO MUCH to share… I just need to get some photos taken and uploaded, and I will be able to post my recent creative endeavours:
* Ali Challenge about my personal creative manifesto;
* Emily Challenges.... 3 cards to share
* Wish Jar and Tags... and a few wishes even
* Pottery... mixed medium plate....
Various other projects...
It’s strange, but in my new job, and only working 3 days... my blogging rhythm has been altered. And I am not sure I like it... I know I like to check people’s blogs daily and see them updated....BORING when they don’t. Frustrating even. Maybe that’s just me *smile* But the blogs I love the MOST… like Ali’s is because she posts everyday… even when she travels… I love that!
So am going to make a concerted effort to rectify this sporicidal blogging of mine.
Love and hugs...