Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Kaela's Birthday

Kaela’s birthday party celebrations were great. Pass the parcel, musical chairs, treasure hunt and the Pinata from hell - it would not bust because we had overfilled it – but it was a kak to watch the kids, they were so funny. We would have had pin-the-tail on the donkey but I could not find it – found it in my scrap room the following day {smile} mmmm how did it get there?...I was searching the house asking guests "have you seen the donkey" {they'd look at Nath with a quizical expression - Donkey?}...most amusing.

I am so grateful for my sisters {includes Kimmy}….they really came through for me and without them the party would not have been so great…..Meeges created about six gourmet salads (thanks babes) and Lee and Katie helped with the lollie bags, stuffing the pinata, setting up and generally taking care of anything I could not get to and Kim & girls all helping to clean up afterwards...

And of course there was also my guy…who was also most supportive….and helped to make the day and party a great experience for us all.

So how did Mikaela feel about the day? Well she was rather overwealmed and ended up in her cupboard (funny girl) in tears. Katie hopped in with her and they had a little D&M……Kaela explained to her aunt that she had only invited four people. She was most upset. I ended up with her and Katie on my bed - we all had a bit of a chat about how to deal with it…..Kaela complained to me that “they are running all through the house”. Happy to report that I managed to both console her and get her to rejoin the party with falling into a fit of laugher along with my equally amused sister …only slight stiffled giggles and maybe a couple of snorts.

So Happy Birthday little girl….It was your party and you did cry because you wanted to!!! However for the most part she had a good time………infact the following day she asked if we could do it again {smile}

Not for another year {BIG KISS} and then it will be at KidZone...yeah!
B x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes it was a great birthday party...