Monday, May 29, 2006

Another Kaela pearl of wisdom...

Yesterday my girl woke up ill @ 630am. She had a headache. I unwittingly made her more ill... and so after hours of comforting her, cleaning up projectile vomit and general mothering, by 11am Kaela was feeling almost 100% again. She was even making up for the couple of hours where she was immobilised, throw in a bit of excitement that her Auntie was visiting, plus an impromptu photo shoot.... she was rather TOO energetic, running about, dancing, jumping on my back {don't get me wrong I was very happy she was feeling this much better, I was just a bit weary} ...
At 12noon I was packing my scrap stuff into the car... getting ready to meet my friends for our monthly Creative Memories gathering.
K. What are you doing Mum?
B. I am going Scrapping....
Kaela was sitting in the kitchen at the breakfast bar with Lee and turned to her auntie and said:

Mum needs some peace and quiet!
We all (Nath, Lee and I) totally cracked up.
Bless her cotton socks.
And that is exactly what I did get... peace, quiet, good company... a few hours scrapping and six pages done.

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