Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Okay! Nath CAN Scrap....

This Valentines was by far the most unique and soul touching experiences I have ever had...

Nath made me a card {and it was a scrappers dream}...I was in tears, and not just that "oh thats so sweet" kind of teary, but a "Ohmygawd...this is incredible" kind of cry. I was bawling ...... the poetry and words from my guy.....I am in awe.

We went out and had a gorgeous dinner together...walked there and back all of 7 minutes to Manuka central.....talked and talked and talked.....

Before bed I cuddle my girl, apply her excema cream and tell her all is well for:

Mummy and Nathan are home now....

She falls into a peaceful sleep.

I go to bed feeling 100% blessed and ever thankful that I choose to find happiness in the daily pleasures and treasure of my family..... my life. To quote the gorgeous Clare Bowditch "It wasn't always this way...I can tell you that for sure"!

But now I am "On this Side" and I am staying put.....THAT is for sure!
B x

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