Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Aussie Dare # 9...

My latest challenge... by Aussie Dares.

"Art Inspiration"
Glean some inspiration from a favourite artist or artwork - eg. colour use, technique, subject matter, etc...it's up to you ) MUST BE a traditional/fine artist (eg. painter like Monet, Van Gogh, Gaugain, Brett Whitely, etc.) - NO PAPER/CRAFTING artists please. Can be a modern or old-school artist/art form (street art/grafitti as a modern example, opposed to Monet as an old-school example).

Inspired by two modern contemporary artists.... David Bray, a London Based Illustrator.
And Yoshi Tajima A M A Z I N G artist!! Totally curls my hair!

I found both these amazing artists in RIOT magazine. BRILLIANT {Australian} mag!! Totally hot!! My work is not near as elaborate or advanced as these (really???) *grin*. I took all of about 1 hour to get it done.

As always I am MOST inspired by my 5 yro girl, Mikaela (do you have any idea how long it takes to straighten her hair? Bhahaa!!) I wish for her to always fly with her own wings. Hidden Journalling:

May you find serenity and tranquility in a world you may not always understand. May the pain you have known and the conflict you have experienced give you the strength to walk through life facing each new situation with courage and optimism. Always know that there are those whose love and understanding will always be there, even when you feel most alone. May you discover enough goodness in others to believe in a world of peace. May a kind word, a reassuring touch, and a warm smile be yours every day of your life, and may you give these gifts as well as receive them. Remember the sunshine when the storm seems unending.

Teach love to those who hate, and let that love embrace you as you go out into the world. May the teachings of those you admire become part of you, so that you may call upon them. Remember, those whose lives you have touched and whose have touched yours are always a part of you, even if the encounters were less than you would have wished. It is the content of the encounter that is more important than the form.

May you not become too concerned with material matters, but instead place immeasurable value on the goodness in your heart. Find time each day to see beauty and love in the world around you. Realize that each person has limitless abilities, but each of us is different in our own way. What you feel you lack in the present may become one of your strengths in the future.
May you see your future as one filled with promise and possibility. Learn to view everything as a worthwhile experience. May you find enough inner strength to determine your own worth by yourself, and not be dependent on another's judgment of your accomplishments. May you always feel loved. Unknown

Peace and Love ...

Monday, October 30, 2006

Putting my hands to clay after 20 years....

Is HUGE for me.
I have had this on my things to do list for years.
And it only occured to me last year (or maybe the year before)... just how many years it had been.
You see... 20 years ago I was selected to take part in the Gifted and Talented program at my high school, when I was 15 years old.
You were able to choose your own subject... I chose *art* ~ sculpture as my medium.

It took me about 16 weeks to create a {slightly larger than life} bust of ... owh gawd (keep in mind) I WAS 15, so ehm.... George Michael !! Big hair and all.

My teacher was terrific and very helpful... on the day we were to cast my creation I was so excited. I arrived in class and my teacher stood before me with tears running down her cheeks ... as she explained to me that my art piece had been accidently knocked over by a young student. It was destroyed.

I was heartbroken.
Not angry.
Resigned perhaps?
I knew there was nothing I could do about it.
The school photographer had taken some photos when I was about half way into the project... and I wrote an article for the year book.

CLEARLY.... I was shattered about this event for ages, years, almost 20years in fact!! But I realised this... a couple of years ago... and my lil sis Meeges bought me a book on getting into sculpting {bless her dear heart}. I realised that I must get back into sculpting. And I have... I am doing my course at last, but at least I am doing it, NOW, how sad if I had never got back into my pottery and sculpting??!! Ever!

It is certianly my aim to complete another bust... this time of my daughter! Oh what a lucky girl... at her 21st there will be a table FULL of scrapbooks AND a life size bust of her at age 6. Mmmmmmm, joy to be Mikaela !! With the slightly eccentric Mama! Oh the LOVE!

Oh....and THE OTHER saddest part to this story... Nath & I do NOT have a life size bust of George Michael (mid 80's) in our living room today and forever. Sad. Really sad.

So Monday nights between 7pm-10pm... you will find me getting all messy with clay... lost in my meditative creative art. And I am loving it SO MUCH!

One day I will do that arts degree... one day!


Friday, October 27, 2006

AEzine Challenge # 5...

AEZine volume one : issue five, Challenge: This week I want you to create something that celebrates your own creativity. Even if it is simply writing the statement "I am creative" and sticking it on your mirror that is excellent. If you want to take it a step further put together a layout titled "I am creative" and talk about how you feel about your level of creative confidence. This is not a layout you have to share if you don't want - but sometimes letting our fears out in the open is the first and best step in overcoming them.

Sunday morning... here is the layout, I edited some of this journalling out, but will leave it here :-)
My creative confidence makes me feel... home. Or rather, I am at home with my self confidence and my creative confidence is an extension of that, it is not separate.

When I am in my scrap haven... my space... I am lost in creating, designing and just being *ME*... hours can go by and I am as content as can be. Its such a great space to be in... Nath and I come home at lunch, and often I do a speedy layout during the hour... it is the best feeling - getting creative in my lunch break before returning to the day job *grin* And my camera... I'd be lost without it... I snap everything.

This year I have grown so much, in so many ways… I have really embraced *Me*… flaws and ALL. And I choose to focus a lot more on the ALL. I accept my flaws, those little pieces that although are not perfect, are as unique to me as my fingerprint. Over the years I have made much progress and change towards my self-critical attitude… I more the person I would have been had I grown in a nurturing, protective and supportive environment. I also realised that change and the quest for self-improvement lasts a lifetime! I decided to get happy and confident with *ME* NOW!! I have freed myself to be content and happy with my experiences and with the woman I have become. To be proud of overcoming the obstacles in my life… and the achievements I have made.

"Wherever you are is always the right place. There is never a need to fix anything, to hitch up the bootstraps of the soul and start at some higher place. Start right where you are."
-- Julia Cameron

This year… I feel that I have arrived at being *Me* I have given myself permission to be happy, it is a choice!

And part of being me… is being an "artist". I came to realise this year… that I AM an ARTIST. I began to embrace that concept… and to stop comparing myself to others. In my scrapping… in my photography… I just began to focus more on *ME* and my gifts.

I began my blog, and through my blog… I have made so many spiritual and creative connections, and they have certainly helped me with this journey {many, many thanks}...

I have also actively undertaken to *do* more and create more…
This year I have creatively achieved:
• Artists and studio days
• A "manifesto" of my dream… an oil and various mediums canvas collage
• A "dreamboard"… a collage of images of my dreams and desires on canvas
• Attending scrap booking workshops, which helped SO MUCH to free up my creativity.
• Attending PhotoAccess courses and beginning my Certificate in Creative Photography
• Attending courses at the Canberra Potters Society
• Scrapping challenges... so much fun, and a great way to free creative energy!!
• MORE scrapping... this year I have completed more than I have in the previous five combined!! Easy!

The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves. C.G. Jung

I have so many things to be grateful for and proud of… my art is my own and whether it is {in some way} similar, alike or different to anyone else’s it does not matter, and no longer impacts my work. I decided to change my focus and energy from trying to figure that stuff out… to simply embracing *Me* and applying my energy to my art.

All I do is celebrate my passion and creativity… I give myself permission to just BE and create. And let it happen.

I am excited about my creative confidence today... and what it holds for the year to come. Anything is possible.
At times I still feel vulnerable, as though my work is not good.... I ask my friends for approval.... I seek appreciation. I look at a piece of work I have completed, and I think to myself "What the hell was I thinking??" or "What a mess!!!" I do NOT destroy it... I put it aside and move onto my next piece of creation. I tell myself the same thing I tell my daughter... "Its not a mistake....its ART honey!"


Peace, Love and Creative Confidence.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Congratulations Papy...

Today Mikaela's father {Papy} had his Graduation Ceremony... at Llewellyn Hall, The School of Music, Australian National University.

He completed his Diploma of Information Technology in Systems Administration.

Not bad for a man who only arrived in Australia 4 years ago... almost exactly to the day.

I am proud of him for this achievement today, and since he arrived in Australia... he is doing so well.

Mikaela was pretty excited too.

I am happy with the photos I captured.

It was a fine day.

Kaela, Nath and I bought him a gold frame for his certificate and he was delighted!!

Peace, Love and Respect

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


You are the most beautiful thing
I've ever seen
You shine just like sunlight rays
On a winter snow
I just had to tell you so

Your eyes sparkle as the stars
Like the moon they glow
Your smile could light the world on fire
Or did you know ?

Your mind's full of everything
That I want to know
I just had to let you know
I just had to tell you so
You're my butterfly
Fly high
Fly fly fly

Lenny Kravitz - Butterfly Lyrics

Monday, October 23, 2006

Photo Story...

No words are required here... except to say that although Nath and I are very different, we are also very the *same*... and sometimes it surprises us how much we think alike. Bahahahahaha.
My girlfriend Kim took these photos... I am so thankful. Captures *US* perfectly. This is US!
If these photos offend.... WHAT THE???... this is the beautiful & fun stuff our life is made of.
We were at Dave & Di's to celebrate Jasmin's 4th birthday... I will post more about the princesses soon. I painted their faces like butterflies.... oiw, cute they were!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Canberra Nara Candle Festival...

This Japanese candle festival was so beautiful... just gorgeous.

I am so glad that we went (it was one of those, no I do not yet want to be spring/summer... I am going back to winter days and nights... pretty bloody cold) !!

I had my first class at PhotoAccess yesterday morning... and my teacher Sian, told me about it. So thankful she did!!

It was such a magnificent sight.

Mikaela made her own lantern and joined in the procession. Very sweet. I dont have any pics (that make any sense) of her because she MOVES.... argh a tough one in the dark!!

Although I learnt quite a bit at my first photography class, there is still a LONG way to go!!Hence these night photos are not the best - the joy for me ~is in the learning~ ABOUT things I am passionate about!! As opposed to boring work stuff.... or life stuff... you know that character building crap (sarcasim peeps, tis the Aussie humor) Baahahahaaaa!!
Peace and love on a sunny Sunday.

Friday, October 20, 2006

AEzine Challenge # 4, layout...

This is the actual layout to the photogathering challenge of Ali's. Which I posted the other day. The journalling around the photos is the same from that post.
It was fun.
Kinda chrismassy feel to the layout.
That was not intentional, trying to pick up the colours in the photos.
I didnt realise how green my eyes were in those photos, unitl I had them printed.
I used Heidi Swapps' fuzzy rub-ons... man they are tough to get on, but well worth it.

Okay... so I just took another look at Ali's newsletter. In line with her example, I have also created this little number...tho I do not have my entire collection of photos at hand, so I did the best I could:

Oh and thought I would share my DailyGuru quotes for today:

"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude." -- Denis Waitley

"It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere." -- Agnes Repplier

Have beautiful joyful weekends!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

AE Challenge # 1....

So I finished {Ali's} AEzine Week 1 challenge... a little late, but better late than never as the saying goes.

Mini, mini, mini... its all about mini. My classes with Ali in August TOTALLY altered my scrapping style... well her and Cathy (journalling/storywriting goddess)
I have *MORE* mini albums... inspired by one of my good galfrands... Di... to share soon.
I am loving doing Ali's challenges...I am getting so much more done!! And in a more creative manner. Maybe its the word "challenge" that gets me?? Yeah. I LOVE THEM. Especially yummy creative ones. So much Joy. I wish you all love, peace and creative passionate happenings.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

AE Challenge # 4...

Pieces of me...
OR rather... pieces of my face!
A Self Portrait Collage...
You know what I love the most about summer?
{I love freckles... aka freakles}
They remind me of my youth... running about afterschool in the sun, on the beach with my siblings.
Summer joy.
It is almost here... yah !!

Edit: This is rather coincidental... just got Ali's latest newsletter AEZine v1, i4.... and this weeks challenge... IS - yep photo gathering. I think, peeps.. I have done just that!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My lil sis is a firestarter....

In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.
Albert Schweitzer

Dear Sister
They are called fire starters... and you are absolutely one-a-them *grin* in the BEST kinda way sweets.
It is one thing to rekindle the flame of a person who is grateful and thankful… and appreciates the importance of having met (remarkable) *you* …. It is an entirely different thing when they take it and run.

I want you to know I am thinking of you during your heartache. I am SO very proud of you… and the dignified way in which you are handling this situation… and honouring yourself.

I wish for you a person who has the passion and courage that you do, a person who does not require any of your flame to make themselves feel *alive*.

Your true love has their own flame, their own strength. They are equal to you… and not afraid to be passionate, courageous and brave. Your true love has an inner spirit very much alive which requries no rekindling… they simply want only to *BE* WITH *YOU*.

Honour your flame sister.. and do NOT let anyone take it from you again. Ever. Embrace your flame, your passion, your creativity and *you*

You are a gorgeous soul Meeges.
I love you.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Mini-Album for Kyle and Jas...

I had so much fun creating this gift for Kylie and Jason... the MONT 24 experience. The journalling is all Jas. I took it over to them this afternoon... hehehehe JOY !!

YUMMY GIFT GIVING.... I love it.
A couple of the pics are a bit blurryyyyyyy... oh well. Kyles is going to scan it for me anyways, so that is good.
Happy Saturday peeps.
Love and Peace

Friday, October 13, 2006

AE Challenge # 3...

Here is my first attempt at one of Ali's challenges.

This week your challenge is to create a layout that tells the story of your relationship with photos and/or your camera. Consider the following questions:
What is your personal photo-taking process? What are your strengths in regards to taking photos?What do you want to change about your process? Which photos that you have taken are your favorites? Why? What makes those photos your favorite?

These are my responses:

What is your personal photo-taking process?
I take a LOT of photos… my sisters’ call me the paparazzi. I don’t mind that title. I know that if I take a few hundred photos of a weekend… that I am going to get a couple of really special ones. I often receive compliments and appreciation from others because I have captured a moment that means so much to them also. My personal photo-taking process is not just about me. I try to capture moments I know my family and friends will treasure too.

What are your strengths in regards to taking photos?
I am passionate about taking photos. I think I am good with light and design…. I feel like I am always looking through my lens, even when I don’t have my camera with me. Portraiture is most important to me. I also believe that just taking the photos is a strength... being able to capture a moment when you know people would rather you put the camera away… its hard sometimes and you need to be mindful of when it is getting a bit much. Often people are conditioned to be modest and having their photo constantly taken is a challenge to them. But when you hand over a mini-album, or show a page in your album. Well then it is all worthwhile.

What do you want to change about your process?
I want to get to know my camera better. I want to understand how to use it manually… to be able to take brilliant night photos. Or movement photos. I am beginning my first course in a Certificate in Creative Photography on 21 October 2006…. I am really excited about it.

Which photos that you have taken are your favourites? Why?
Mainly portraitures…. I love them. I love the faces of my loved ones. I love the lighting. I love the fact that we will have these photos for always… to be able to really see what they looked like.

I love challenges. FUN STUFF indeed. I want to go back and do Ali's other two challenges also. But TIME peeps... I have a few other little treasure projects I am *busy* with at the moment (LOVING them and will share soon).

I am not entirely sure how I feel about this layout... it is rather busy... but it grows on you. Just like {me} *grin*...


Thursday, October 12, 2006

Feeling so blessed, and slightly overwhelmed....

You know when you make a wish or a statement to the universe?
And then it comes into reality.
Only it is WAY better than you ever dreamed of.
Well.... that is where I am right now!!
I work as a consultant.
Two years ago... I wished to be the Documentation Manager... of not just a Section (as I am now), but the entire IT Branch! {Yes I am a nerdy geek}
I went and did some contract work in project management.. elsewhere.
Then I returned.
This week I was offered the DM's position for the entire DEPARTMENT !!!!
As a Consultant, long term....
WHat the??
Holy COW peeps.
This is HUGE.
And a bit scary.
I am always up for a challenge... and this one I am really looking forward to. I am excited.

And the peeps I am working with.... OH MY LORDY.
Check them out: Web Designers (I LOVE their work) and Universal Content Managment. I am totally pinching myself!! And walking about with a silly grin.

What an intense couple of weeks I have had.
Since the job offer I have become very quiet... and withdrawn. Those who know me well... know this does NOT happen often *grin* !
Just thinkin'

Love and Peace... and here's to dreams coming true.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

MONT 24...

Firstly... I am *fine*, well and alive.
I did badly... not near as well as I would have liked or hoped. WHat was I thinking???? about night riding?? Oh... yeah a disclaimer of "so long as you have effing kick arse lights" would have been appropriate!!! MINE SUCKED and died (both headlights (2) and helmet) at the 6km mark- you know the mark where you are past the wall of this hurts *a lot*.... and just getting into your groove, yeah - there!!! So I had to walk 14kms of the track. Yeah, that was FUN. NOT. I am not ashamed to admit that there were tears and tantrums and a bit of swearing.

**This photo is from last years Mont 24, this year was much bigger. 2800 peeps competing.

There were also some fantastic, brilliant mountain bikers - every second rider asked if I were okay *I LOVE THE MOUNTAIN BIKERS COMMUNITY* TWO riders even stopped to give me their spare lights. The first - his back up didnt work. No worries. The second (Marc)... a tiny light, that DID help somewhat for half an hour.

Plus there was the moon (beautiful, big and full)... so on the firetrails I was able to get on the bike for a bit. And in the forest, on the single tracks.... I was able to jump on my bike here and there chasing the good lights.

But it really sucked. It took 3 hours for me to complete the 20km course. Which really should have taken no more than 1.5hours. I went out at 1900hrs which was later than expected. So Nath and Mikaela arrived at my expected departure time of 1800hrs... only I didnt leave for another hour. I went down to meet Nicole, I thought I had another 10mins to spare... but as I cruised down... she was coming in. I screamed to her "I am coming Nic"... and just ran. I didnt even get to kiss Nath and Kaela before I jumped on the bike to do my lap. I could hear Nath yelling "goodluck" to me as I took off. Before I knew it I was on top of the switchbacks... tight sharp, steep corners down the side of a mountain STEEEP! ... I love this part. I could hear yelling "hear comes another princess"... and I slid out. I was getting pissed off. But I got back on and continued. At the bottom of the hill Nath and Mikaela waited... I waved to them and yelled "hey Kaela" ... I could see their proud faces clearly... and I powered on. But my race all went to shit when I lost my lights. It was disappointing. I cried. I swore. I kicked rocks and stumps. I cut my shin up walking into the pedal. I swore more. It really sucked. After walking for 3kms... with 11kms to go... I asked a passing rider the time... 8pm. FUCK. My team is going to be pissed off. I knew it was going to take me another 2 hours to get back in. Then I thought Nath and Mikaela would have to go home ... and I cried AGAIN.
There were some amazing riders offering help, words of encouragement, and genuine concern. I have to say... I had a really good view...when the SOLO riders powered past me... it was just a sea of lights. I will never forget it. And the feeling. It was great. I was waiting for Jas to lap me... or one of my other friends. Finally at about 5kms to go Neil passed me... "are you okay Bek?" I responded something along the lines of "yep just no lights, keep going, there is nothing you can do... just let the team know I am okay. Not injured!" (it seemed like the first hour.... someone had broken a collar bone!!)

I swear I saw the 2km to go sign TWICE (everyone assures me there IS only one). When I saw the 1km to go sign I was stoked. Another run through a single forest track and then up onto my bike...passing camp sites and hearing encouragement being yelled at me from everyone I passed... was really special. I got in. I could see Kyle. But not Nath or Kaela. I was grinning... I had made it back. I yelled out to Kyle and stuck my tounge out. She was yelling back "Mikaela had to go to the toilet" I almost wanted to turn around and come back up the hill and wait for her (ALMOST... I was still thinking I'd do another lap). I took of the batton and passed it to Drew, trying to apologise for taking so long, explaining about my lights. He knew, Neil had told him... he took off. I pushed through other riders waiting to transtion... inching towards Kyle ... and crying, saying "it was horrible Kyle" and she gave me a hug. She took my bike for me... and I started walking back to camp... Then I saw Nath and Mikaela. Kaela saw me and put her arms out in an exasperated manner "oh Mum"... no other words were required, I knew what she meant. I knelt down and gave her a huge cuddle. Poor babes - they had been waiting at the extremely dusty (SO DUSTY) end gate for an hour and a half for me to come in. We went back to camp. Nath helped me get my camel back off... and get a bit comfy before he took Mikaela home at about 2300hrs. I went off to help Kyle with Jas.

I planned to do the "glory" lap... the last one! But I realised the best I could expect would be another 2hours.... and did I really WANT to put myself through that?? No. So Dru went out instead. And that was good because at least he was then able to do his PB. Mine will have to wait until another day.

I must say I achieved what I set out to do for THIS race. I was part of Australia's biggest 24hour mountain bike race. I really could not expect any great results as I did not train. I was not well prepared. But I was there.... I was in it. I gave it a go. As best I could for my ability (not much *grin).... and for that I am REALLY happy about. It was an amazing experience. 12noon Saturday to 12noon Sunday... an exciting, incredible BUZZ. Most importantly for me - was my team... and my friends. Being there for and with them... was the best part of the weekend for me. And Nath was even a major part too. It was amazing.. the whole weekend!!

I got 4 hours sleep helping Kyle take care of Jas... and here is where I go on a total rant and rave about how much I admire those two. Brilliant people. JASON TOTALLY ROCKS... and so does my girlie Kylie. So sweet. I had teary when they started. And a few throughout the night. They are just the most dedicated couple. To each other. To their children. To their family. To their dreams and desires.

I *HEART* them so much!!


He had a plan, he stuck to it... and he achieved what he set out to do. 16 laps SOLO. Amazing. There were some hairy moments... but he kept it together. HE DID IT!! THIS is what he looked like after 16 laps... amazing. A total inspiration. And just a top guy!

His Dad, John... told me he thinks his son is*magic* !! Beautiful.

And a *HUGE* big love thanks to my man... Nath continued to receive SOS sms all throught the first 12 hours... and delivered on every request for everyone. Thanks my babes. I love you. YOu are the most considerate and nicest guy... and I love how nothing is a bother for you. Thanks for supporting me always... even with these crazy hairbrained ideas... hey wanna be a support person for a Girl 2 team????? Bahahahaha!


Edit 0929hrs Monday 9 October 2006: Results are in. Precious Princesses. And SOLO Male Jason McAvoy (he came 14th... WOW!!!)

Early this morning Jas wrote a long thankyou email to his supporters over the weekend. SO very humbling ... this whole weekend and experience. I share with you his thank you to me and Nath:

Bec; For hour after hour and well into the morning/witching hours I would come into transition and there would always be a smiling face with a something funny to say to lift my spirits, and your warm face washer was the best feeling I had that whole weekend! And pass onto Nathan again a big thanx for the bandaids on my hands... even with them my hands are still a mess, I hate to imagine what they would be like if hadn't gone to the trouble of going to the shops for me during the race.

Go here to read Jas's account of his fantastic performance.

If I posted his thankyou to his wife Kyle... there would be SO MANY tears. These are SERIOUSLY GOOD people.
I feel so totally effing blessed today. In every possible way!
Love, Peace and contentment peeps!